Hi, I'm Geof.
Progressive Frontend Developer
& UI/UX Designer.

I specialize in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional,
high-quality websites and applications. Currently based
in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

Landing Page — HTML, CSS, AngularJs

Akili Reality

Role: Website Development, Live Style Guide

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I'm currently freelancing and building things for the web with some awesome people. I recently graduated from Open University of Tanzania after completing my 2 ½ years diploma of computer science.

As a software engineer, I enjoy bridging the gap between engineering and design — combining my technical knowledge with my keen eye for design to create a beautiful product. My goal is to always build applications that are scalable and efficient under the hood while providing engaging, pixel-perfect user experiences.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably reading, cruising around places, watching movies or crossing off another item on my bucket list.

Got interesting project? lets catch up geofreyxvr@gmail.com

There are three responses to a piece of design– yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for. — Milton Glaser